My name is Vanessa, mom to a 6 yr old sweet picky eater, and wife to the most wonderful man in the world.
We live in Pennsylvania. We all have a close relationship with Jesus Christ, and never afraid to defend our faith, and/or share the Gospel, along with our personal testimonies.
We are very involved in Church and quite devoted to the Lord.
My husband works full time and also is studying to get his Pastoral credentials through Global University. I homeschooling our daughter through a charter school called Connections Academy. This is our 2nd year, and I love it! I can't say the same for her though, she hates school, or so she says. Also, I have my own business as a Photographer. Photography is my passion!
My husband and I together run a ministry out of our church, which deals with those who struggle with drugs, alcohol, hurts, bad habits, co-dependency, and more.
Well, so that's me and my family!
Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to leave a comment for me. Advice are always welcomed. :)